As you probably know by now, financial professionals don’t
really like me. Quite a few IFAs have actually called me a conspiracy kook and
that I’m spreading information which is misleading to the public. I still find
this amusing considering all I’m doing is spreading cold hard facts. Facts
which the media doesn’t know or just won’t publish. This includes the Financial
Times by the way. Also I still haven’t met a financial professional who predicted
and prepared for the 2001 Tech collapse or the 2008 meltdown. And just like
those instances, I’m still yet to meet one who is preparing for the mother of
all crashes, the crash of 2013/14/15/16/17/18. Unfortunately I don’t have a
crystal ball and so I can only forecast this for sometime in the next 5 years,
but this one will be many orders of magnitude greater than the 1929 Great
Depression. How do I know? Trends. But this will be a topic for another
edition. This rant is solely for Government Stats and was sparked due to a
twitter conversation I was having with an IFA and he said that when investing
you can and should only plan using the Government figures as they are the
facts. Now this is incredibly short-sighted on his behalf and if he did a tiny
bit of due diligence instead of blind trust, he’d see my point. So here are the
main lies:
According to the Government, UK inflation right now is 2.7%.
Now this is the most farcical of all stats as it’s becoming almost common knowledge
that REAL inflation is near 10% now. The way they calculate inflation is by
taking a metaphoric ‘basket of goods’ which the public buy from day to day like
bread, milk, cars, iphones and CDs etc. (But
funnily enough, not rent or houses. They used to, but they took it out of this
calculation in 1983 as they started to inflate the housing market). So they
just compare the prices of this basket to last month, last year, last 5 years
etc and plot a graph. So right now they’re telling us it’s 2.7%. Well what they
fail to realise or purposely ignore is that EVERYTHING in that basket is now
smaller or of less value than previous times. For example, let’s take a
Snickers bar (my favourite). In 2003, they were on average 30p. But now, they
average around 60p. In fact I’ve spent around 90p in some places, so in 10
years, the price has increased by 100% minimum! AND they are all now 7.2%
smaller. This same stat applies to everything else in the basket. So when you
crunch the numbers, REAL inflation is near double digits.
Recently the US GDP calculations have been changed. They are
now including Research and Development (R&D) spending as part of the
revenue. Now this is absurd. The US spends more money on Military (R&D)
than every country in the world combined. Even their medicine R&D dwarfs
other nations. Now it could be argued that medicine R&D could produce more
efficient medicines which would positively bring more revenue in, but it’s
negligible. Military R&D has next to no productive use (other than for war)
and so this ‘ploy’ is something which will make the US Debt to GDP ratio not
look as bad as it really is. They’re the only country in the world to do this
but it probably won’t be long before the UK follows suit in order to hide our
Jobs/Unemployment Data
This is a huge topic which I could ramble on for but in a
nutshell, when calculating these figures, they are now on purpose stretching
the parameters of what a full-time employed person really is. They are now
counting people with a ‘part-time job but are seeking a full-time job’ as
‘fully employed’. They are including some forms of charity/volunteer workers as
‘fully employed’ many other profiles. But they’re doing it on the other end of
the scale as well by classing some people without a job but are seeking
employment as ‘part-time’ employed and so on. So they’re trying to make these
figures show that unemployment isn’t as bad as it really is when the poor/rich
divide is increasing dramatically! Just have a look at the BBC Documentary
‘Skint’ – it’s shocking but a real insight into the UK’s deprived areas.
Housing Data

So there you go. Hopefully you can now see that we need to
at the very least question what we get told. Housing, employment, GDP and
inflation data is rigged which I hope I’ve demonstrated and that’s only the tip
of the iceberg. If they are rigging interest rates, imagine what else they are
doing. So when you’re next going to buy a mortgage, invest in the stock market
or pensions etc, just please do a double check of REAL adjusted data, not
nominal data which gets published.
is a great site for real data…